Moving on
The last year and a half have made so many things come to a standstill with the worldwide pandemic going on, and the loss of lives and jobs and changes in so many things that we never expected. It’s changed how we do things, how everyone has to do things. My routine of regularly scheduled large art fair and market events throughout the year isn’t happening so much anymore. So I guess during this time of change we either stop and wait it out, or roll with it!
We moved twice this past year, my husband and I, and the logistics of it all weren’t easy, nor were they anything we ever planned or imagined we would do, but to get to a space that hopefully makes more sense for the future and what life might look like when we all get past the current pandemic situation, and I’m praying we do soon.
We’re staying home more, working at home more, focussing on how we can use our God given gifts in new ways to encourage and bless people where they are as we all work through these times together, but maybe not all together in big groups at the same time. I believe most artists to be introverts, I know I am, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like to gather, and actually really need that from time to time for mental health and sanity. I know I require quite a bit of quiet and solitude for thinking/ learning and for working out my creative process, but I also need to be engaged in the world, connect and contribute with community to be happy, whole and productive.
I wonder how others are adjusting their course as well, and if you’re reading this, I hope you’re finding your own new path through it. My home studio isn’t huge, but it holds all of my work and supplies in one place rather than all over the house and some stuffed in every closet of every room, way more convenient! It’s also all on one level, rather than hauling everything including all stock, props and large market tent up and down from my basement, something that was becoming more and more difficult with every year, I’m no spring chicken. It also allows me a bit of space to share, to teach individuals, small groups, friends, grandkids, in a warm inviting creative space where we can spread out and make beautiful things. Whether we’re painting, crafting, sewing, gaming, cooking, or coloring, I’m so grateful for the space and the adventure it’s been, and I can’t wait to see what we’ll create here!