
Well what a year this has been. It started out so promising… and then, covid. I had a full year of shows, exhibits, events, plans and goals as normal… but I’m sure all of you did as well, and I’m sorry if you’re struggling. I’m also sorry if you’ve lost loved ones and watched people close to you battle health and financial uncertainty, as I did as well.

But I have a great faith and hope in what’s ahead!

It’s been interesting to watch how everyone has had to adapt, roll with the unexpected, and learn new skills to move forward. I learned to design a new updated website with e-commerce (no easy feat for this old dog!) I learned to be creative in collaborations with other artists to help support each other. I learned to teach and study in new virtual ways which actually made it possible to take master classes from some of my favorite artists from all over the world, opportunities that would not have happened otherwise. I learned to slow down, focus. I learned to be a caregiver. I learned to let go.

I hope you’ve also been able to find the positive, learn a new skill, regroup or refocus, or just breathe.

I hope you’ll be ok too, and if you’re reading this know that I’m rooting for you and sending a virtual hug, in case you really need one, even if only virtual for now.

And my best advice for mindfulness… go outside and draw something, and hang in there friend, this too shall pass!
