
Welcome to a new year in the studio!  January is always a great time to re-focus, set new goals, clean my office, and plan the year ahead, so that's what I've been doing lately.  Especially seems it's freezing cold outside in Michigan, and anything flowering or botanical is hard to find, other than dead seed pods or fruit from the grocery store.  Still there are summer art fairs to apply to, winter painting classes to teach, and new technique classes to take, shop stock to keep up with, commissions, and new projects to plan.  So for the dead of winter, I'm keeping very busy! Of course I have thousands of reference photos to work from, and often do, but somehow it just isn't the same as touching the plant and smelling the earth. I am so very looking forward to grabbing a sketchbook and heading outside to the fields and forests when the snow breaks.  So we will wait... spring will be coming... eventually, it always does.  Stay warm, and keep painting!
