
No, I don't really think that's a word, and maybe I just made it up because all of my titles are verbs ending in -ing, but I think I'll go with it anyway.  This has been a month of putting myself out there.  As a natural born introvert, as most artists I know are, it's not always easy to put your work up for exhibit to the general public or masses whether at an exhibit, or art fair, presentation talk, publication, or in front of a class.  Critique is going to happen, and is necessary for growth as an artist.  Art is such a subjective practice and people have very different interests, and that's a good thing!  Just think how boring the world would be if we were all the same and everyone liked all of the same things.  That being said, I think we all sometimes fear that critique, and it can be paralyzing, or it can make you stronger.  Some people seem to think artistic gifts are inherited, not always so, it takes years of study and practice, and practice, and practice, and sometimes defeat, and trying again.  I'm still nowhere near where I would like my work to be, and when I look at the work of some of my idols and mentors, I'm simply blown away and wonder if I'll ever get anywhere near their skills and results.  That always means more study, more practice, more figuring it out...but what a lovely adventure to be on!

"I have not failed. I've just found ten thousand ways that don't work." -Thomas A. Edison