
I have to admit, this is not my strong point.  As much as I love what I am blessed to be able to do and this path that I'm on... I so easily get distracted by so many other wonderful things, like shiny things to a cat. Which is why I'm writing this post on the last night of the last day of the month, when I've had all month and many opportunities to do it sooner.  But really, it is only my own personal deadline to keep myself on track, so I made it, yay me!

It took me a long time to find a medium to focus on and try to master, at least to some degree, and something I'll continue to learn for the rest of my life.  Then it took me another long time to find a subject matter that I wouldn't get bored with easily and that I might be able to curate a sizable body of work in a similar style in.  Personal goals, set deadlines, and self disciplines, this is what they tell you you need to do as an artist to be successful, so I'll pass on that little nugget of advice to any other aspiring artists out there. But I know, there are so many fabulous things to make and mediums to explore right?  I'm sure that I'm not there yet either, but it's getting closer I think, small victories!  

Having recently been invited to several gallery exhibits and projects in the next year, that means lots and lots of painting, and focus, focus, focus,... now back to work!

Kristina Spitzner