Kristina Spitzner

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As I worked away in my studio all day today it was POURING outside.  Sometimes on days like this that old song "rainy days and Mondays always get me down" comes to mind...well I don't mind Mondays at all really, but the rain, yes.  I know it's needed, and a wonderful washing away of the winter to make things green and growing again, but still.  Our house tends to flood, or it would if not for my fabulous fixer husband that saved it from sinking.  Then there's the darkness, I can't help but prefer bright sunshine!  But then I'm thinking, how awesome is it that I get to spend my day totally lost in a giant, bright, beautiful flower, to do one of the things I love to do most- painting, to sip my hot tea, and listen to the rain as well as my favorite classical music, to be warm and dry in my cozy little home, using the gifts God has given me to the best of my ability, and to try to share them with others hoping to brighten their day as well.  Then I'm just humbled and amazed that I get to do this and all I can say is thank you, this is my form of praise.  Have a blessed day my sweet friends!